About Us
In tanti hanno investito sulle macchine, noi sugli Uomini.
Siamo fermamente convinti che la risorsa più importante per il nostro Progetto siano i nostri Maestri ed Istruttori. Tutti insieme, numerosi ed appassionati, sempre a completa disposizione di Soci e Tesserati.
Una passione ed una attenzione che le macchine non saranno mai capaci di manifestare.
New Progetto Marziale goes on through a path taken by its founders some years ago, a project putting the spotlight on the relationship between master and athlete.
A project not necessarily aiming at important sporting results, but rather at the achievement of body and mind wellness, as well as at athletes’ continuous improvement, also through comparison and a controlled personalized competition.
Per questo offriamo la possibilità di scegliere tra numerosissime discipline, sport da combattimento e arti marziali, con i diversi livelli di agonismo disponibili. For This reason we offer you the possibility to choose among a wide range of disciplines, combat sports and martial arts, at different competitive levels, or just plan your path.
The passionate Amateur and the demanding Professional, looking for frequency and attention at a higher level, together and proudly representing New Progetto Marziale.
Who comes to our gym for the first time, often has no clear ideas about what he/she is looking for. You will be offered our support to plan your path, step by step, making direct experience and discovering all the advantages of becoming member of our big family.